National Honor Society

Membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) is based on a student's fulfillment of four requirements. Members of the junior and senior class who meet all four requirements will be invited to become a member of the National Honor Society. The four basic requirements are scholarship, service, leadership and character.

Clubs and activities

Interact Club

The CAM Interact club completes a variety of service projects, usually one per month, both within the school and the greater community. During December and February, Interact club sells candy grams to raise money for a selected charity. As of February 2017, we have raised $256 during this school year for End Polio Now, a Rotary Foundation charity dedicated to the worldwide eradication of polio. We also design unique CAM Academy Interact t-shirts that feature artwork by CAM students. The proceeds from these sales go to support charity.

In November, Interact organizes a school-wide participation in Operation Christmas Child. We collect items such as toys, school supplies, and personal hygiene items, which are packed into shoeboxes and sent to children in third-world countries. In the past, the organization has sent boxes to Uganda and Ecuador, as well as to refugees in Iraq.

We also regularly volunteer with local businesses such as Pomeroy Farms, which we help with their Pumpkin Lane event throughout October, and with their Country Life Fair at the beginning of May. Other service projects include volunteering at kids’ events at the library, packing food at the Clark County Foodbank, planting trees at Klineline Pond, and organizing canned food drives and bake sales.

Interact usually meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, after school in Mrs. Schadler’s room. Any CAM high school student can join!

Washington, D.C. Trip Information

The Washington DC trip is offered every other year to sophomores and juniors. This trip is designed to show students historical locations that will enrich their studies in American Literature, US History and Government Studies classes at CAM. Parents that have gone as chaperones, have told us that they experience more and see more in one week than they would have accomplished in a month on their own.